


With Sotheby’s board level experience, operating regionally, nationally and internationally, Jonathan is able to advise and assist on all aspects of the auction world and auction house management.

Market Intelligence

Business Strategy


Financial Management




Jonathan offers candid and impartial advice to collectors on all aspects of the art market. His previous commercial experience affords invaluable insight for galleries and art institutions.  He equally enjoys mentoring artists and art market professionals.

Collectors: collection strategy, acquistions, investment advice, auction navigation, appraisals & valuations, collection management.

Artists: mentoring, exhibitions, gallery collaborations.

Galleries & museums: business strategy, financial planning, leadership, CSR

Art Market professionals: career progression, network

Mintus.’Own the Unownable’.

Since 2020 Jonathan has acted as a Non-Executive Director and advisor on the art market to Mintus, an online investment platform offering a new way to buy shares and invest in contemporary art. As well as making introductions within the art market, he acts as an ambassador for the business. He also sits on the Mintus art acquisitions and investment committee, using his experience, knowledge and insight to ensure that Mintus selects the best investments for its platform.


With a personal and invested interest in contemporary and post war art and photography, Jonathan has sucessfully organised and curated a series of selling exhibitions to promote emerging and established artists.

Gallery Relationships

Exhibition Management


Sales Strategy

Media & PR

Nici Bungey, Approaching The Edge. 2016.
@ Soho Revue gallery, Greek Street, London.

Nici is an established German artist, who has formerly exhibited at the Royal Academy, London and has been a finalist in both the John Moores Prize and the Jerwood Prize.

Sueraya Shaheen. Encounters, Photography From The MENA Region, 2015. Ely House, London.

Sueraya’s work is featured in ‘Arab photography Now’ edted by Rose Issa and Michket Krifa.

Mario Macilau. The Road Not Taken, 2015. An exhibition in collaboration with Ed Cross Gallery, Ely House, London.

Mario’s photography has been exhibited globally, notably in the Pavilion of the Holy See, 56th Venice Biennale, 2015.


Together with the Director of the charity Jonathan created and curated the concept of ‘Photograph on a Postcard’, an online auction to raise funds for Hepatitis C Trust. Helping with the project management, media & PR, he sourced key works by Hassan Hajjaj, a London based Moroccan artist and established fashion photographer, Miles Aldridge.

Art Network

Sales Strategy

Financial and Project Management


PR & Media